Friday, September 9, 2011

I bike Beijing

Beijing loves bikes!  Like seriously loves bikes.  It seems like just about everyone has one-- young, old, rich, poor, etc.  It's pretty necessary given the hellacious traffic in this city.     
And check out the bike lanes!  Spacious avenues protected by medians.  Mao pushed the bike as the "people's vehicle" and city planning clearly reflects government endorsement (although making left turns is a major pain).  You guys probably know I kind of need a bike where ever I go so I'm ecstatic to see so many cyclists on the road.  
My new ride!  Typical cheap China-made plastic.  But it's been getting me around just fine and as a fellow customer said when I was making the purchase, "Better to go cheap.  They get stolen sometimes."    


Auntie Rose in FL said...

Just be very careful on those 'hellacious' city streets!


Jess / Stew Stew said...

Will do, Auntie Rose. Thankfully the biking pace is slow and leisurely :)

Anonymous said...

Nice wheels to get around town Jes ! Safe Travels.