Tuesday, September 6, 2011

My new home: China Foreign Affairs University

Ah, CFAU, my new home.  The school has less than 2,000 students so the campus is quite small--a gated square on a city block.  It has one building for classes, some apartment and dorm buildings, and a few canteens.  

 Lots of faculty, past and present, live on campus.  Families often at play :-)

The campus has lots of trees, ivy covered buildings, and this pretty little garden.  

 Old Beijing men love bird-keeping!

Strange mushroom that distracted me.


Auntie Rose in Fl said...

Hi Jessie,

Lools like a tight-knit community. You should be able to get to know everyone pretty well. I hope to visit you around March or April.


Lincoln said...

Looks like a really pleasant community. Wonder if those mushrooms are edible?

Uncle Link

Lee said...

Looks like they have some goods there in Beijing!

BPatz said...

Oooohh pretty green spaces for such a big city! :) Love it. Glad you're settling in well. That mushroom is bananas....

Jess / Stew Stew said...

Auntie Rose, I'd love to have you! I'll be posting my schedule soon so you can get an idea of my free time and breaks. Will you be taking a tour like my mom?

Auntie Rose in Fl said...

Yes...I am considering the Beijing tour, which takes me to the Great Wall, Tiennamen Square, the Bird's Nest Stadium and the Forbidden City. With this tour, they allow you 2 1/2 days for yourself to do whatever you want in the city. Hopefully, you won't be too far from my hotel!
