Showing posts with label School. Show all posts
Showing posts with label School. Show all posts

Monday, May 16, 2011


[Third graders selling fried chicken and milk tea, 2 items certain to send any Taiwanese child to cloud nine]

Taiwanese school children have an interesting activity called the 園遊會。It's like an American fair/carnival minus the rides.  There are some small games and lots of snacks on sale.  The twist--students run the show!  The students have tickets they can use to "buy" snacks and play games, but also run the stands!  Parents can buy tickets, so the event is like a fund raiser...I have no idea how the students use the money they raise.  It's funny how much children love playing "adult" for a little while.     

[Student uses body to advertise her drink stand.  Talk about entrepreneurship!] 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Field Trip

The Bi Hou students went to Yilan County's Green Expo.  It was about recycling and stuff.  Environmental education always seems to be happening.  

Highly portable rice noodles for breakfast before catching the train.  

My co-teacher, Monica, told me the uniforms are sky blue to represent freedom from Japanese rule.  Swag it to the max, 3rd grade!  

Turns out field trips are all about a day off from school and blowing money on junk food, even in Taiwan.

Monica on the left, me on the right, makin' a 1st grade sandwich.

 Happy Easter!  This bunny had WWF on its chest.  I think I'm Tough Enough.