Showing posts with label Teaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Teaching. Show all posts

Thursday, September 22, 2011

One of my adult students emailed me the above video.  Lots of Beijing ren (can't speak for all of China) really enjoy Yanni.  This is the first time I've ever (consciously) listened to his music.  I kinda dig's soothing.  

Student emails also introduced me to some new emoticons (Can I even call these emoticons?  They're more like....electronic folk art?)




Sunday, September 11, 2011

Teaching Schedule


Tuesday              8:00-9:40 AM     Oral English
                          1:10-2:50 PM     Oral English 
                          6:00-8:35 PM     American Literature  

Wednesday         6:00-8:35 PM     American Literature


Friday                  7:00-9:00 PM      Tutoring 

Saturday             10:00-11:40 AM   American Literature 


I traded my Economics classes for Literature classes and welcoming the change.  I teach 2 night classes and 1 weekend class so my schedule is a bit unorthodox.  But I don't mind at all.  I still have 3 days off!   

Monday, August 29, 2011

Transition - My 2nd Year Teaching Abroad

I've lived in a few types of communities,  1.  raised in the suburbs of metro-Atlanta  2.  studied in the college town of Athens, GA (University of Georgia)  3.  and taught English in the rural township of Nan Ao, Taiwan.

Tomorrow I'm moving to a new community--the epically crowded, notoriously polluted city of Beijing, China! I'm so pumped!  Family and friends, any tips on adapting and thriving in a big ol' metropolis?

My teaching post is also changing drastically, transitioning from high-needs elementary kids to ambitious university students.  I'm really excited to be working with adults again (I did so briefly in college).  Beijing here I come!

Too all family and friends--I love and miss you already!  Message me if you want to plan a video-chat date (Google's works best for me).  

Friday, April 15, 2011

St. Paddies Day

None of my students had ever heard of St. Patrick's Day or even Lucky Charms, so I was lucky (*English vocab alert*) enough to share it with them.  
 I set out green footprints that led students to... 
 ...small pots of golden candy! 
My 3rd grade teacher did this activity with me when I was 9 years-old.  Since the memory stayed with me to the age of 23, I figured it was worthy of repetition.  

And if any philanthropic readers want to send Lucky Charms my way, the kids at Bi Hou would love to try this sweet, sweet cornerstone of the American cereal aisle!