Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nature. Show all posts

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

You can take the girl out of Nan Ao...

A year out in the jungle of Nan Ao gave me a lasting appreciation for the beauty and peace found in nature.  Yu Yuan Tan/Jade Lake Park is only 10 minutes biking from the CFAU campus.    
Even Beijing, City of Worst Air Quality on the Planet, preserves some space for trees, flowers, and lakes.  
 I found a grassy plot to lay down and do some reading.  Yep, my addiction to electricity knows no bounds. 
This couple takes a more aggressive approach to the park.  Two hiking sticks each!  

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Mr. Yang, a special education teacher in Nan Ao, gave me a rare glimpse into his garden!  This man pours his heart and soul into the natural environment surrounding his home.  I wish I had a picture of the interior of his house--I don't even think there was a couch.  All of his energy goes outside! 
Mr. Yang vacationed in Bali, Indonesia once and the trip made a really big impression on him, inspiring the garden's design and plant variety.  Bali is a really popular vacation spot for Taiwanese people.  It's like what the Caribbean is to America.    
 And, of course, I was with my gal pals, Monica and Sandhya!  We spent the afternoon eating fresh fruit and listening to gamelan, traditional Balinese music. 

 I think I must go to the magical land called Bali...although I'm somewhat fearful post-Eat, Pray, Love explosion.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Jenn and Stew find the pu bu / 瀑布 / waterfall

 After yet another typhoon, the sun returns to Yilan County!  I took a Sunday bike ride with Jenny (one of the 2 other ETA's/English Teaching Assistants living in Nan Ao).  We rode to Jin Yue, one of the 7 other villages in Nan Ao Township.
Nan Ao's fresh air, beautiful scenery and minimal traffic really compliment the road bike.  I've been going on rides 6 days a week.  Although rainy days require a bit more motivation...  
We found the Jin Yue waterfall!  Lots of people were jumping off the waterfall around the back to the right and swimming.  
I'm totally afraid of heights so I just played in the water and climbed on the rocks.    

Shout out to my Nan Ao sister, Jenny.  Her awesome blog definitely motivated me to start doing this.  We worked on our storybooks together.  Check out this traditional story from the Ao Hua village of Nan Ao.