Mr. Yang, a special education teacher in Nan Ao, gave me a rare glimpse into his garden! This man pours his heart and soul into the natural environment surrounding his home. I wish I had a picture of the interior of his house--I don't even think there was a couch. All of his energy goes outside!
Mr. Yang vacationed in Bali, Indonesia once and the trip made a really big impression on him, inspiring the garden's design and plant variety. Bali is a really popular vacation spot for Taiwanese people. It's like what the Caribbean is to America.
And, of course, I was with my gal pals, Monica and Sandhya! We spent the afternoon eating fresh fruit and listening to gamelan, traditional Balinese music.
I think I must go to the magical land called Bali...although I'm somewhat fearful post-Eat, Pray, Love explosion.