Tuesday 8:00-9:40 AM Oral English
1:10-2:50 PM Oral English
6:00-8:35 PM American Literature
Wednesday 6:00-8:35 PM American Literature
Friday 7:00-9:00 PM Tutoring
Saturday 10:00-11:40 AM American Literature
I traded my Economics classes for Literature classes and welcoming the change. I teach 2 night classes and 1 weekend class so my schedule is a bit unorthodox. But I don't mind at all. I still have 3 days off!
Swe-eeeeettttt ! -UN
Doesnt look like a bad schedule.
Maybe you could get a 2nd job at the embassy!
Great schedule! Have fun while teaching.
This looks AWESOME! At first I thought "Oral English" said "Old English" and got REALLY excited but...oral's still fun (and Old's oral too anyways) ;) I will email you soon, I promise, but I am sooooo super excited for you and can't wait to hear about how all of this goes!
Thanks, guys! I'm happy to get back on a college schedule :) Tuesdays are tiring, but it's a short burst of stress.
@Jenny, take/Enjoy your time (quoth City Cafe)! I like our tempo thus far.
Thanks so much for posting this. Am interested in what the American Lit curriculum is?? can you share this information. Good luck with the new pace of students 20 + years older.
Think about you lots. i'm working on chinese export porcelain right now for the office job.
miss you!
I'm teaching Thoreau (with selections from Walden) first! I think I'm gonna show The Simpsons with it, focusing on Lisa as the Thoreau-ian ideal.
oh my gosh, i love it! haha please tell me how your students responded?
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