Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Time-lapse of students

Today I took a quick time-lapse photo series at school.  Pardon the 2 middle-fingers.  6th graders sure are angst-y!


Anonymous said...

Stew this is awesome! Sixth graders are so acrobatic, I appreciate their use of classroom equipment to do...were those headstands?


Anonymous said...

Boy. Times have changed.

My days ... no drinks allowed in the classroom.

These kids have it good ! Haha


Jess / Stew Stew said...

Jennifer...is that you? They were trying to do break dance-style poses!

UN, I think it's a combination of temporal and cultural differences. For example, it's pretty normal for students to get up and walk around during class, which was really strange for me when I first arrived.

Anonymous said...

your students are so attentive! keep posting this stuff please


Virginia said...

Yeah, that would unsettle me too Stew even though I think it sounds awesome!

Anonymous said...

OMG THIS IS AWESOME!!!! I love the fact that there's so little distinction between class and break time ;)

Jess / Stew Stew said...

Caroline, OMG I spent all day thinking you were my AUNT Carol and wondering when/how she caught to internet trends

Erin, awesome if you're the student!

Jenny, the world needs to know, dui bu dui?

Nicole said...

Greetings, Stew

Great posts! I'm finishing up a Fulbright in Jamaica right now, and noticed you had visited my blog recently also. I love hearing about other Fulbrighters' experiences.

Unfortunately, I'm unable to view the last video you posted because it's not shown in Jamaica for some reason. I do want to share something with you that I thought was pretty entertaining. This one is reserved for all the teachers I know ;) Hope you enjoy.

Anonymous said...

Too cool.
