Thursday, May 12, 2011

Hot Springs at Jiao Xi

This Sunday I went boogie boarding at Wai Ai beach. Meeting up with friends at the beach has got to be one of the best ways in the world to pass an afternoon. Afterwards I went to Jiao Xi to bathe at a hot spring.  Taiwan has many hot springs because it is a volcanic island and they come in many different styles.  “Taking hot spring” is cheap, relaxing and many people do it multiple times a week.  
Here I am in front of the Japanese-style hot spring I visited.  I chopped off my hair!  It’s shoulder length.


Anonymous said...

Not sure if I have ever been to one, but sure looks healthy ... natures own jacuzzi


Jess / Stew Stew said...

That's what the older ladies tell me every time I go lol. Mineral infused super water!

Lincoln said...

Nothing beats mother nature!

Anonymous said...

Hi which hot spring is this?